The death is a bad omen for the country. It is a bad sign internationally. In the mind of the people, the action of the police and MACC(Malaysian anti -Corupption Commision) has always been slanted. The death of a politician while he is in the compound of MACC raises a lot of questions. No one that I talk to believes that it is an accident. Speculation is rife that it is murder or an accident while being interrogated. There is a strong rumor that he died in the hands MACC while being interrogated and his body was thrown out the window to cover up the death. The government can say it views the incident seriously and looking at setting up a royal commission but how many people really trust the present government?
In reality with the current BN government is perceive as muscling the opposition using the country enforcement agencies. The movement of the Malaysian Non BN(National Front) political parties has always been monitored. I would not be surprised that there is a dedicated task force that is monitoring the movement, actions and decisions made by the PR MPs, ADUN’s and State Exco’s
The way the Police and the MACC conduct its business in this country has not given the people the confidence that they are truly independent. The truth is far less importance then the perception in the eyes of the public. Right now the image of the MACC and the RMP(Royal Malaysian Police) is in a bottomless pit. This will have a big impact on BN
Following are excerpts from his 7 part postings; The photos presented here do not follow the sequence of the postings. For full screen images, click on the pics.
MACC death tragedy – My untrained CSI techniques
The following writing is done based on assessment of various images and writings on the mainstream media (MSM) as well as the online media. I am trying to understand the tragedy that took place at Plaza Masalam. It would be great if I have access to MACC office and location where the body was found but without such access, readers can expect some gross margin of error in my writing. Do let me know what the errors are so that we can come to a clear conclusion on what transpired

The second item of concern is that his body posture is lying on his right side. Why not face down? A man that is conscious at the time of his fall is most likely to fall on his face flat down or his back if he is being pushed through a window. If he had jumped I would expect that he would have ended leg first. The pictures are not conclusive enough to indicate any lower limb fractures. Post mortem would be able to shed some light.

I believe that he had died prior of hitting the slab roof the 5th floor podium based on the limited amount of blood on the roof. If his was alive and his heart was pumping, then there would be a large amount of blood on the roof if he did not die instantly.

I tried to piece the time Tan met TBH(Teoh Beng Hock) and according to my source, when Tan left a short while later the sun was brightly coming up. He had estimated the time based the sun. I checked the time for sunrise in Shah Alam for the last few days. The sun is up at about 549am.
Assuming that by the time Tan came out from the building, it was about 549-555 a.m., I estimate that Tan saw TBH at about 530am. This means that TBH was indeed alive at 530am. This is about 8 hours before he was found dead.
If he had been alive upon exiting the window and died upon impact, I expect to see more blood on the roof. The blood would take about 15 to 30 minutes to clot properly and hence in that amount of time, the blood would ooze through any open wound profusely. This is very true especially there is an arterial bleed.
In my previous article, I theorized that either one or two person carried the late TBH whom had died for about 30 mins to the window. He carried the person with TBH on his right side and places it on the windows edge. As he pushed the body out the window, the latch got hooked to the pants at the centre of the trousers. TBH weight and the action of trying to push the body down literally tore the pants towards the left pocket.
Last night I received an email from an anonymous (Lets call him Mr. A) person who claims to be working with the mainstream media. I am not sure whether it is true or not but he claims that all MSM media will be running stories in the next few days that the wound on TBH base left hand (the media will say wrist) will be played up as a sign of suicide. It dawn upon me that I have not said anything about the triangular mark on the right hand.
I was alerted by some readers on the existence of a new blog which has made serious allegations against 2 DAP State Exco members on purportedly explaining “DAP corruption modus operandi” in Selangor at I suspect that it is part of a counter strategy that is being deployed by certain people to deflect the current issue surrounding TBH. Who are they? I can safely assume that what you ever think is right.
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